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If you love doing your own DIY projects in your home, then you probably already know there are multiple different drywall types out there. These drywall types can range in simplicity and complexity. So, if you are looking for your next DIY remodelling project or simply want to know the unusual patterns on your walls, check out this article on different drywall types.

Popcorn Ceilings

This is most likely one of the most known types of drywall textures out there. The popcorn ceiling received its name because of the slightly extruded, round bumpy texture that it has. It is popular when used for covering up ceiling repairs, and it also has the added benefit of being able to dampen sounds.

Popcorn ceilings have come in and out of style many times over the century. However, if the popcorn ceiling was applied before 1980, it is good to contain asbestos. This is why it’s a good idea to cover up the old popcorn ceiling using drywall instead of removing it.

Orange Peel Drywall Texture

Like you would expect, orange peel drywall texture looks like a cracked and wrinkled surface that looks like an orange peel. The surface features gentle curves, which help to distinguish it from other variations. These have also been a popular choice in the past few decades. You can find orange peel applicators at most home-improvement stores. However, make sure that you get one that suits your needs the best, as the spray direction will change for ceiling or wall applications.

Spray Sand Ceiling Texture

Spray sand textured drywall looks exactly how you might imagine it. The sand is mixed in with primer, water, and thin mud, then sprayed onto a surface using a hopper gun. It gives a textured surface that does not crack or separate like an orange peel texture when it is done right. It is usually used as a subtle accent, spray sand is usually located on ceilings, however, it can also be found on walls.

Comb Drywall Texture

The comb texture on drywall is applied using a toothed trowel which applies a series of grooves on the surface. It is usually applied on half fans, and the pattern will have a planned appearance while still being relatively easy to reapply in case there need to be repairs done.

Sand Swirl Drywall Texture

Sand swirl finished drywall is a combination of sand spray and comb drywall texture techniques. The swirls are made using a medium or thick bristle brush, like a brush you would use to apply wallpaper. The pattern can be rows of orderly half fans or more complex like interlocking Cs or spiral patterns. The swirls can be created in a pre-applied bed of mud, or the brush can be dipped into a bucket where swirls are laid on the drywall like paint.